Written with Master Guitarist Greg Leon, Carl Elizondo (playing under the stage name Carl James) & Greg Leon weave heavy rock riffs with great pop melodies.
(also features Chuck Stevenson / Joey Vera on bass & Kenny Kauffman on guitars)
SEE Live - Click: https://youtu.be/DrdrdmxN3ig
Audio-Click:The Greg Leon Invasion
A MasonicTemple hall in Pasadena Ca.
With Joey Vera
With Chuck Stevenson
With Chuck Stevenson & Bobby DeLellis
With Chuck Stevenson & Bobby DeLellis
MACH IV with Chuck Stevenson & Kenny Kauffman
Audio-click: Razu
Razu were a rock band from Alhambra California, playing the L.A. music scene 1976-1980. Playing Gazzarri's, The Troubadour, the Whiskey, The Starwood and the So.Cal college frat scene, Razu consisting of: Chris Eads, Bob Loza, Thom Santee & Carl ELizondo made a large name for themselves in a short time until the band-mates drifted apart which led to the demise of the band. PLAY THESE MEMORIES VERY LOUD FOR MAXIMUM EFFECT!
Audio-click:Jag Wire
Their album "Made In Heaven" was released in 1985, it was also available on cassette & now on CD. It sold well in the States especially in Los Angeles. The Album was first released in Germany & imported to the States, so many people thought Jag Wire were a German band. Jag Wire was outfitted with some of the most accomplished musicians in Los Angeles at the time featuring: Howard Drossin (Guitars), Vince Gilbert (Keyboards), Art Deresh (Vocals), Joey Cristofanilli (Bass) and Carl Elizondo (Drums). At the time of the bands demise, there was a second album worth of songs that were written but never recorded.
Audio-click:Jag Wire
Their album "Made In Heaven" Has been picked up by FnA Records and was remastered along with 7 added bonus tracks, Also included are never before seen pictures of the boys! Out now!
Jag Wire
Recording album "Made In Heaven"
Carl laying down drum tracks
Jag Wire
Photo Shoot by Neil Zlozower
Jag Wire
Album Release poster Ad for Music Stores
Audio-Click:Heroes in Love
Heroes in Love were an 80's rock band from Los Angeles consisting of some of the finest musicians around. Their lyrics and music composition is what drew a spotlight to the band and brought them to the forefront of the music scene. After years of dead ends & non-returned calls, the boys decided to call it a day. Rick Anthony, Bob Loza, Carl Elizondo Ruben Reza, Bob Robles - these are..., Heroes In Love. - Carl, Tony, Bob, Ruben
See Live- click: Heroes In Love
Heroes In Love
Mach I
Carl, Bobby, Tony, Bob
Audio-Click:Heroes in Love
Photo live from the FM station in North Hollywood where the live footage was shot.
See Live- click: Heroes In Love
copyright 2003 © Bella-Kai Music / Films
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